Something stood out to me in the message about hearing God’s voice. Hearing God’s voice is not optional!! If we are one of God’s sheep, we will hear his voice; no question about it. Jesus told the Jews that they didn’t believe him, or understand what he was saying because they were not his sheep.

I love how God speaks uniquely to each one of us. The examples in Scripture are awesome: a burning bush, a donkey, angels, visions, just to name of few. God spoke to Elijah in a gentle whisper, or still small voice as the King James version states it. God sent a powerful wind, an earthquake and fire, but he didn’t speak through any of those, but when he spoke it was in a gentle whisper.

Sometimes God speaks in an audible voice as he did with the boy, Samuel. God had to call Samuel four times, before he realized it was God speaking to him. There are people today who have heard the audible voice of God, although I never have. My husband heard God audibly tell him to go to the United States from Holland to attend Bible College.

God speaks to all of us through his Word. It is God’s letter to us, and contains everything we need for life. 2 Peter 1:3 says “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us.

God often speaks to me clearly from His Word. If I have a special problem or need, and seek Him, he will cause, as it were, the words to jump off the page, or direct me to a specific passage. When my husband and I ministered in Holland, we had only been there seven months when he was in a car accident with our oldest son. The car was totaled and my husband and son ended up in the hospital I had no idea how our financial needs were going to be met or if we even should stay in Holland.

One evening I was feeling so alone, unable to call my mother because we had no phone, unable to communicate much with other people because I didn’t know the language. In desperation I cried out to the Lord. The thought came to me to read the Scripture so I thought I would read my favorite Psalm, Psalm 34. As I turned to it, the thought entered my mind, “No, read Psalm 37.” So I turned to that Psalm, and read, “Trust in the Lord and do good; so shalt thou verily dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed.” I was reading from the King James version, thus the old fashioned language, but it was exactly what I needed. I knew God was saying, “Trust me, do what you came to do; you are to stay in the land, and you will be taken care of.” And that’s exactly what happened. We ministered there for four years and God met our every need.

Another time God spoke his word clearly in my mind. I was very close to my mother, and it was difficult for me to leave when we went to Holland, and I knew it was difficult for her to have me leave, as I was her only daughter. It was a busy time, selling our belongings, storing what we wanted to keep, and packing for a husband and two boys. After we got on the plane and were on our way on the nine hour flight, I had time to reflect on all that had happened, and just breathed a prayer, “Lord, make this all worthwhile. Help us do something that benefits your kingdom.” Immediately a verse of Scripture popped into my mind, “The father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” I felt like a warm blanket had been wrapped around me. God understands how I am feeling!! He understands the sacrifice I am making!! I wasn’t concerned about a reward, I just needed someone to understand.

At the same time that verse entered my mind, the thought came that I should write and tell my Mom about it when I got to Holland. So I did. She wrote back that when she got my letter she had a “shouting spell.” As she was standing, watching the plane I was on soar into the sky, the Lord spoke that very same verse to her heart!!! What an awesome God who understands our deepest feelings and speaks comfort to our hearts.

Sometimes God will speak something to me by a thought popping into my mind. I know it is God because it’s not something I would think of by myself, and it is often unexpected. An example: One Sunday morning I was busily helping with setup, running here and there. I went into prayer and sat down. Totally unexpected, a voice, not audible, spoke to my mind: “Your love language is service, and I accept that from you as worship.” Wow!! I could not keep the tears from my eyes.

God does speak to us, and we can hear his voice.

God is good all the time,
Naomi Birnkman

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