Giving God my first and my best

I don’t think there’s any doubt that bringing the first fruits to God is a Biblical principle.  First fruits is my first and best whether that is money, my time, or some other form of increase.

Have you ever been listening to a message and you’ve been agreeing with everything the pastor said, then he brings in a new point, and it happens to be one that hits you between the eyes?  You might be like the proverbial old timer who spoke up in a service and said, “Preacher, now you’ve gone from preachin’ to meddlin’” I kind of felt that way Sunday.

I’ve never had difficulty bringing the first fruits of my finances to the Lord.  We are all different, and for some that has been a big hurdle for them to jump over, but for me, it has always just been easy to give back to the Lord ten percent of what he brought in to us, or gave me the ability to earn.  But Pastor Ben said something Sunday that did hit home.  “What do you do the first thing in the morning?  Do you check you emails, Instagram, test messages, Facebook?  Or do you spend some time with the Lord?”  The beginning of your day is the first fruit of that day.

I have to confess that it has been easy to make myself some breakfast and coffee, and sit down to the computer and check emails and Facebook.  I don’t do Instagram. It is so easy for time to fly by when I am absorbed by those things, and before I know it time has flown by and it’s time to get ready for the day.  I always find time in my day to read His Word but it’s not the First Fruit of my day. I began this morning to change that habit.  They say it takes 10 days to form a new habit, so day one is in the books.

The Holy Spirit is continually working in our lives, and speaking to us, if we have an ear to listen.  We are all in process and “changing from glory to glory.”  2 Cor. 2:18. The important thing is to have a heart after God and a passion for His house, and realize that we need to continually listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit when He speaks.  It’s okay to say “ouch” in church when the pastor his a sore spot, but continue to “fight the good fight”  until He comes or calls us home.  2 Tim. 6:12

Naomi Brinkman

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